Where to buy Dogs of War: Core Board Game

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About this game

Dogs of War is a euro-style, soldier placement board game of deception, intrigue and shifting alliances for 3 to 5 players. Players take to the battlefield as one of the Dogs of War! As Captains of their own private army, each Dog of War has a special ability that will help them win influence, battles, or betray the house they've sworn allegiance to! Dogs of War is not a game of pure military power, but rather a game where deception and betrayal often lead the way to a decisive victory. The goal for the Dogs of War is to earn the most power by the end of the game. Thanks to thoughtful game design and development, there are many ways to achieve this, like defeating other Captains in battle, getting rewards from the Houses you help, amassing gold and troops and, most importantly, gaining influence with the most successful Houses.